# Episode 133


In Episode #133 Ari speaks with [Neil Strauss](http://www.amazon.com/Neil-Strauss/e/B001H6NT1I/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&qid=1424998661&sr=1-2-ent&tag=tlp03-20&linkId=3FHLXVVZR4GVZR6W) ![](https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=tlp03-20&l=ur2&o=1), author of Ari’s favorite book, _[Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060898771/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0060898771&linkCode=as2&tag=tlp03-20&linkId=2DQR5QXMBWHO4WWD) ![](http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=tlp03-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0060898771)_ . During their extensive conversation, Ari and Neil talk about everything from fatherhood and survival to writing and productivity.

**Special Announcements:**

# [Less Doing in Barcelona](https://www.gazelles.com/summits/EGS-2015/Barcelona/index.html) Watch Ari bring the lessons of Less Doing to Barcelona, Spain for the 2015 European Growth Summit. Ari will be joined by fellow masters of entrepreneurship Steve Martin, Director of _Influence at Work_ in the UK, and Verne Harnish, founder and CEO of Gazelles.

[American Dream U](http://americandreamu.org/upcoming-events/) On March 13th and 14th, watch Ari Meisel bring his expertise to the stage in a setting unlike any other: Fort Benning, Georgia home of the United States Army’s Airborne and Ranger schools. Ari will be joining a collection of legendary business leaders and exciting entrepreneurs to help demonstrate the _right _way to start a business.

[Less Doing Live Event](https://lessdoinglabs.businessresearchgroup.org/sales/live-event-optin) The **Less Doing LIVE Event** in NYC is _less than six months away_! The best minds in business and productivity are joining Ari in his hometown of New York City to share their tips, strategies and secrets for success. Visit [LessDoingLive.com](http://www.lessdoinglive.com/) to learn more about this fantastic opportunity running from **May 1st – 3rd**.

[Mastermind Talks](http://www.mastermindtalks.com/) Looking for an opportunity to see Ari speak live somewhere on the west coast?—Look no further! On **April 29th and 30th** , Ari will be featured at the _Mastermind Talks_ event in **Napa, California**. To learn more about this opportunity to watch Ari “_Optimize, Outsource and Automate_” in wine country, click [here](http://www.mastermindtalks.com/).

**Time Stamped Show Notes:**

– 26:09 – Introduction of Neil Strauss

– 28:14 – The “system” is fragile; don’t rely upon it…Take your life into your own hands

– 28:50 – Crohn’s disease and how Neil’s book helped him

– 31:35 – On Point Tactical

– 31:45 – We don’t live in the wilderness anymore, urban survival is the future of survival skill

– 35:00 – Ari defines the source of _his _motivation

– 36:00 – Getting yourself out of your own way can actually be the _best _medicine for your life

– 37:43 – Neil asks Ari to explain what is wrong with being out of control

– 39:37 – Neil defines his writing style and process

– 42:20 – Researching and writing about two different things (like Emergency and The Game) can make both products stronger

– 45:27 – The moment of staring death in the face

– 46:05 – When people die, the two things they think about most are friends and family

-46:45 – A lot of people are so overwhelmed, they can’t even figure out what it is they want

– 47:35 – Work addition is a fascinating concept and frequently responsible for people feeling overwhelmed

– 51:00 – Learning how to be a father is a skill Neil doesn’t currently have that he would like to learn

– 51:45 – The learning of a father is never complete

– 52:45 – Neil’s deepest motivation these days is to rediscover how to shed some of the excess baggage from his lifetime

– 55:05 – Neil’s _Top 3 Tips for Being More Effective_:

– 55:26 – Download the program _Freedom_

– 57:52 – _The Weekly Dinner Party_

– 60:1 —

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