# Summary:

In Episode #193 Ari interviews [Julien Smith](http://juliensmith.com/) from [Breather](https://breather.com/), a company that provides workspace by the hour in several of the major metropolises in America and Canada.

Special Announcements:

This week’s episode of the Less Doing Podcast is brought to you by [JustWorks](https://www.justworks.com/), an innovative company striving to make payroll, benefits, and compliance management a seamless and stress-free process.

The most intuitive software for your business; take your most tedious and time consuming part of your job and make it the simplest and most automated part of your day.

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Time Stamped Show Notes:

– 12:40 – Julien background is hugely buried. No education. He came across the internet at a young age. His first claim to fame was being one of the first podcasters in the world.

– 13:05 – Did radio when he was younger.

– 13:21 – His show got picked up by Sirius Satellite Radio.

– 13:29 – After rising to fame, he wrote books about the social web. He wrote the first social media marketing book, which became a best-seller.

– 13:39 – He ended up writing three books.

– 13:48 –As he travelled around the world, he noticed the lack of privacy everywhere he went and that ended up being the catalyst for starting Breather.

– 14:09 – Breather takes electronic locks, put them on cool rooms and then they allow the locks to be opened with anyone with mobile apps. Basically, it’s like a private club or private offices that can be rented.

– 14:29 – There are about 50 in Manhattan and growing.

– 14:33 – Rooms can be booked for as little as 30 minutes to as long as a day.

– 15:56 – Because of the books he wrote, he had a big network in which he found support for his idea.

– 16:41- He did go through a lot of objections. He took it as proof that Breather was a disruptive company.

– 18:18 – He designed it to be sort of like a “personal Starbucks”.

– 19:13 – His co-founder designed the original spaces and now there’s a team to curate and design spaces.

– 21:25 – To maintain the spaces in good shape/clean depends on the density of the location. A location with high density of traffic is easier to clean up, which makes it more affordable to do over time. Employees clean after themselves, and they clean rooms on the regular.

– 23:00 – The only major problem they have is people smoking, contrary to what many people might think.

– 24:47 – Some people use it for life coaching, meditation, meetings, psychotherapy, etc.

– 27:00 – People can’t use the offices after a certain hour because the spaces are intended to compete with hotels.

– 28:16 – 5 cities that they are hiring for: London, Chicago, LA, Washington D.C., and Toronto.

3 Key Points:

1. Start with a blank slate (a clean desk, a clean space, a clean desktop, etc.).

2. Write everything down.

3. Focus on one major project at a time.

Resources Mentioned:

– Text DOLESS – Text DOLESS to 33733 – [Stressed Out](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stressed-out/id807488741?mt=8&utm_content=buffer164c6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer)

– Can quantify your psychological stress level and help you understanding how different events impact your physiology and wellbeing. – [The 15-Minute HIIT Workout That’ll Build Strength Fast](http://greatist.com/move/timed-hiit-workout?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feed_http–greatistcom-)- Does just what it says – [What Is Golden Milk?](http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/09/21/golden-milk.aspx)

– Golden milk is a tea with turmeric and coconut oil, and black pepper. – [12 Secrets to Simplifying Your Life and Lightening Yo — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message