# Episode 122


In Episode #122 Ari shares his podcast with Alan Cash of [Terra Biological](http://www.terrabiological.com/), maker of Oxaloacetate-based health supplements like benaGene and CRONaxal. During their conversation, Ari and Alan talk about the importance of _Caloric Restriction _and the potential health benefits associated with Oxaloacetate.

**Special Announcements:** ## [Less Doing Live Event](https://lessdoinglabs.businessresearchgroup.org/sales/live-event-optin) The **Less Doing LIVE Event** in NYC is _less than six months away_! The best minds in business and productivity are joining Ari in his hometown of New York City to share their tips, strategies and secrets for success. Visit [LessDoingLive.com](http://www.lessdoinglive.com/) to learn more about this fantastic opportunity running from **May 1st – 3rd**.

[Less Doing System Seminar](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seminar-less-doing-system-by-ari-meisel-tickets-14912003203) Join Ari Meisel, the master of “_Optimize, Outsource and Automate_,” as he conducts two exclusive seminars in the heart of **New York City on March 9th, 2015**. During this seminar, Ari explains how the Less Doing System recaptures time, slashes stress and enriches lives. Best of all, these sessions are **100% free**. To register, go to [Eventbrite](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/seminar-less-doing-system-by-ari-meisel-tickets-14912003203) now!

[Mastermind Talks](http://www.mastermindtalks.com/) Looking for an opportunity to see Ari speak live somewhere on the west coast?—Look no further! On **April 29th and 30th** , Ari will be featured at the _Mastermind Talks_ event in **Napa, California**. To learn more about this opportunity to watch Ari “_Optimize, Outsource and Automate_” in wine country, click [here](http://www.mastermindtalks.com/).

**Time Stamped Show Notes:** – **Time Stamped Show Notes:**

– 19:04 – Introduction of Alan Cash, founder and CEO of [Terra Biological](http://www.terrabiological.com/)

– 19:37 – Alan speaks of the origins of Terra Biological

– 20:27 – Caloric restriction (over a lifetime) is key to increased longevity and day-to-day energy

– 23:47 – Too often in medicine we look for the _symptoms _rather than the _cause_

– 24:48 – NAD+, NADH and the NAD+ to NADH ratio

– 30:41 – In animal trials, reducing calorie intake changed the expression of genes by about 10%

– 30:51 – The DNA of the animals does not change, but the way in which the DNA turns on and turns off specific genes _does_ change in response to the environment

– 31:53 – Cognitive markers and Oxaloacetate

– 34:55 – For serious athletes Oxaloacetate can help convert lactic acid into useable glucose for energy

– 36:10 – Oxaloacetate has been shown to increase muscular endurance by 10%

– 36:41 – This application has important consequences for wide group of people, not just athletes

– 36:55 – The side effects of Oxaloacetate …is there a downside?

– 37:25 – Oxaloacetate has received an “orphan drug” classification from the FDA

– 38:34 – _Benagene _is the nutritional supplement version of Oxaloacetate

– 39:30 – Oxaloacetate under the brand name _Cronaxal_ can be used as a “medical food” to treat [Glial tumors](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glial_tumor).

– 41:55 – [benaGene.com](http://www.benagene.com/) or cronaxal.com

3 Key Points:

  1. There is an impressive correlation between caloric restriction and increase lifespan.
  2. Too often medicine focuses on the symptoms rather than the cause.
  3. The way in which environmental factors activate or deactivate specific genes is instrumental in predicting human health.

Resources Mentioned: – [ExitStrategy](http://www.exitstrategynyc.com/) – An app for the NYC subway system to help people make their subway usage far more efficient

– [Bulletproof Drinking](https://www.bulletproofexec.com/alcohol-without-the-hangover-bullet — Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lessdoing/message